Inteligentné Rečové Komunikačné Rozhranie
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Vedecké práce publikované v zahraničných recenzovaných vedeckých časopisoch Lihan,S.-Juhár,J.-Čižmár,A.: Comparison of Slovak and Czech Speech Recognition Based on Grapheme and Phoneme Acoustic Models. In: Proc. Interspeech 2006, Pittsburg, USA, Sept. 17-21, 2006, accepted to publication Juhár,J.-Ondáš,S.-Čižmár,A.-Jarina,R.-Rusko,M.-Rozinaj,G.: Development of Slovak GALAXY/VoiceXML Based Spoken Language Dialogue System to Retrieve Information from the Internet. In: Proc. Interspeech 2006, Pittsburg, USA, Sept. 17-21, 2006, accepted to publication M. Rusko, J. Hamar, “Character identity expression in vocal performance of traditional puppeteers”, accepted for Text, Speech and Dialogue, Brno 2006, to be published in : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Text, Speech and Dialogue, Springer Verlag, 2006. ŽibertJ.-Čižmár,A.-Pleva,M. et. al.: The COST278 Broadcast News Segmentation and Speaker Clustering Evaluation, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 4-8,2005, pp.629-632, ISSN: 1018-4074 Lihan,S.-Juhár,J.-Čižmár,A.: Crosslingual and Bilingual Speech Recognition with Slovak and Czech Speechdat-E Databases. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 4-8, 2005, pp.225-228, ISSN: 1018-4074 [6] Juhar, J. Graphemes as Basic Units for Crosslingual Speech Recognition. ASIDE 2005, ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ITRW) and COST278 Final Workshop on Applied Spoken Language Interaction in Distributed Environments“, 10th and 11th November 2005, Aalborg University, Denmark, ISSN: 0908-1224 R. Jarina, M. Kuba, M. Paralič: Compact Representation of Speech Using 2-D Cepstrum – an Application to Slovak Digits Recognition, Lecture Notes in Artificial Inteligence, Vol. 3650, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 342-347, ISSN 0302-9743 M. TURI NAGY, G. ROZINAJ, „An Analysis/Synthesis System of Audio Signal with Utilization of an SN model“, In: Radioengineering, Vol.13, pp.51-57, December 2004
Vedecké práce publikované v domácich recenzovaných vedeckých časopisoch J. KAČUR, G. ROZINAJ, „Word Boundary Detection in Stationary Noises Using Cepstral Matrices“ In: Journal of Electrical Engineering. - Vol.54, No.3-4 (2003), - pp. 69-77. J. KAČUR, G. ROZINAJ, S. HERRERA-GARCIA, „Speech Signal Detection in the Noisy Environment Using Neural Networks and Cepstral Matrices“ In: Journal of Electrical Engineering, Volume 55, 2004 R. Jarina, M. Kuba: Vývoj systému automatického rozpoznávania reči, Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 2. No. 2, EDIS Žilinská univerzita 2003. R. Jarina, M. Kuba: Speech Recognition Using Hidden Markov Model with Low Redundancy in the Observation Space, Komunikácie – vedecké listy, Vol. 6 No.4 2004, pp.17-21, ISSN: 1335-4205
Vedecké práce publikované v zahraničných recenzovaných zborníkoch Juhár,J.-Ondáš,S.-Čižmár,A.-Jarina,R.-Rusko,M.-Rozinaj,G.: Galaxy/VoiceXML Based Spoken Slovak Dialogue System to Access the Internet. Combined Workshop on Language-Enabled Educational Technology and Development and Evaluation of Robust Spoken Dialogue Systems, August 29, 2006, Riva del Garda, Italy, accepted S. Darjaa, M. Rusko and M. Trnka, “MobilDat-SK – a Mobile Telephone Extension to the SpeechDat-E SK Telephone Speech Database in Slovak“, accepted for the 11-th International Conference Speech and Computer (SPECOM'2006) St. Petersburg 2006. (to be published in the conference proceedings). M. Rusko, M. Trnka, S.Darjaa, “Three Generations of Speech Synthesis Systems in Slovakia”, accepted for the 11-th International Conference Speech and Computer (SPECOM'2006) St. Petersburg, June 2006. (to be published in the conference proceedings). M. Rusko, “Expressive speech synthesis and the acoustics behind it”(invited paper), accepted for ACOUSTICS High Tatras 06, 33rd International Acoustical Conference – EAA Symposium, Strbske Pleso, October 2006. (to be published in the conference proceedings) S.Darjaa, M. Trnka, “Phonetical preselection as an alternative to unit cost and concatenation cost functions in speech synthesis” accepted for ACOUSTICS High Tatras 06, 33rd International Acoustical Conference – EAA Symposium, Strbske Pleso, October 2006. (to be published in the conference proceedings). R. Jarina, M. Kuba: Reducing Acoustic Observations for low-power ASR applications in adverse environment, Proc. of Int. Conf. ACOUSTICS 2006, High Tatras, 2006 – v tlači Juhár, J.: Acoustical Modeling of Speech in the Intelligent Speech Communication Interface. In: Proc. of IAC-EAAS ACOUSTICS High Tatras 2006, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia, Oct. 2006, invited paper Lihan,S.-Mirilovic,M.-Juhar,J.-Cizmar,A.: Annotation of noisy speech database recorded in car environment. In: Proc. of IAC-EAAS ACOUSTICS High Tatras 2006, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia, Oct. 2006, accepted paper Lihan,S.- Juhar,J.: Comparison of two Slovak speech databases in speech recognition tests. In: Proc. of IAC-EAAS ACOUSTICS High Tatras 2006, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia, Oct. 2006, accepted paper Juhár,J.-Ondáš,S.-Čižmár,A.-Jarina,R.-Rusko,M.-Rozinaj,G.: Speech interface for infromation extraction from the Internet through telephone network. In: Proc. of IAC-EAAS ACOUSTICS High Tatras 2006, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia, Oct. 2006, accepted paper Miloš Cerňak “Unit selection speech synthesis in noise”, Proceedings of ICASSP 2006, 31st International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2006, Toulouse, France. M. CERŇAK, G. ROZINAJ, „Forward Masking Phenomenon in Concatenative Speech Synthesis“ In: 4th EURASIP Conference Focused on Video/Image Processing and Multimedia Communications, Zagreb, Croatia, 2.-5.7.2003. pp. 691-695. J. KAČUR, J. FRANK, G. ROZINAJ, „Speech Detection in the Noisy Environment Using Wavelet Transform“ In: 4th EURASIP Conference Focused on Video/Image Processing and Multimedia Communications, Zagreb, Croatia, 2.-5.7.2003. pp. 661-666. G. ROZINAJ, F.L. MISTRAL, „Facial Features Detection for 3D Face Modeling“, In: International Conference on Industrial Technology, Maribor, Slovenia, 10.-12.12.2003. pp. 951-954. CD-Rom. A. VRÁBEL, G. ROZINAJ, „Slovak Speech Synthesis Based on the TD PSOLA Algorithm in the EMU Segmental Database“ In: 10th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, Prague, Czech Republic, 10.-11.9.2003. pp. 139-141. Juhár,J.-Čižmár,A.-Hintoš,Ľ.: Speech-Enabled Information Services. Proceedings of 5th International Carpathian Control Conference ICCC 2004. Zakopane, Poland, May 25-28, 2004. Krakow, Poland, Vol.5, No.1, ISBN 83-89772-00-0, pp.837-842. Juhár,J.-Lihan,S.-Žgank,A.-Kačič,Z.-Diehl,F.-Vicsi,K.-Szaszak,G.: The COST 278 MASPER Initiative-Cross lingual Speech Recognition with Large Telephone Databases. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language Recourses and Evaluation. Lisbon, Portugal, May 26-28, 2004, Vol.VI, ISBN 2-9517408-1-6, pp.2107-2110. Pleva,M.-Čižmár,A.: The COST278 pan-European Broadcast News Database. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language Recourses and Evaluation. Lisbon, Portugal, May 26-28, 2004, Vol.VI, ISBN 2-9517408-1-6, pp.873-876. M. RUSKO, S. DARŽAGÍN, M. TRNKA and M. CERŇAK, ”Slovak Speech Database for Experiments and Application Building in Unit-Selection Speech Synthesis,“ In:Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3206, Text, Speech and Dialogue, Springer Verlag, 2004, ISBN 3-540-23049-1, pp. 457 – 464. M. RUSKO, S. DARŽAGÍN and M. TRNKA, “SpeechDat-E telephone speech database as an important source for basic acoustic-phonetic research in Slovak,“ in Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics ICA 2004, Kyoto, ISBN4-9901915-6-0, part I. s. II-1676 - II-1682. M. RUSKO, S. DARŽAGÍN and M. TRNKA, “Multilinguality, singing synthesis, acoustic emoticons, and other extensions of the Slovak speech synthesizer for SMS reading,“ in Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics ICA 2004, Kyoto, ISBN4-9901915-6-0, part II. pp. IV-3345 - IV-3348. A. PÁLENÍK, G. ROZINAJ, „Text Pre-Processing For Slovak TTS System“ In: International Conference "Research in Telecommunication Technology RTT 2004", Prague, Czech Republic, 2004. J. VOJTKO, G. ROZINAJ, „Automatic Phoneme Detection Using CLPC“ In: 46th International Symposium ELMAR-2004 focused on Navigation, Multimedia and Marine ELMAR, Croatia Zadar 2004 M. VAJAŠ, G. ROZINAJ, „Facial Animation During Speech Performance“ In: IASTED International Conference on Communications, Internet and Information Technology, St. Thomas, USA November 22-24, 2004, J. ČEPKO, G. ROZINAJ, „Corpus Synthesis of Slovak Speech“, In: 46th International Symposium ELMAR-2004 focused on Navigation, Multimedia and Marine ELMAR, Croatia Zadar 2004 S. JURKO, G. ROZINAJ, „Interference Removing from ECC Signal by Polynomial Approximation“ In: 17th Biennial International EURASIP Conference BIOSIGNAL 2004. Brno, 23.-25.6.2004. - s. 158-160. J. KAČUR, M. JUREČKA, „HOS based speech detection in the noisy environment“ In: International Conference "Research in Telecommunication Technology RTT 2004", Prague, Czech Republic, 2004. M. Kuba, R. Jarina: Fast Isolated-Digit Recognition with Reduced-Parameter HMM, In. Proc. of the Int. Conf. Research in Telecommuniocation Technology RTT’04, Ćeský ráj, ČR, Sept. 15-17, 2004. M. Cerňak and T. Dutoit, “TTSBOX: A Matlab Toolbox for Teaching Text-To-Speech Synthesis,“ IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Philadelphia, 2005, ISBN 0-7803-9076-8, pp. V-537 to V540. M. CERŇAK and M. RUSKO, "An Evaluation of a Synthetic Speech Using the PESQ Measure" Proceedings of the International Conference FORUM ACUSTICUM, OPAKFI, Budapest 2005, ISBN 963 8241 68 3, pp.2725-2728. M. CERŇAK and M.TRNKA, “Development of a Real-Time ASR System for Slovak SpeechDat Database”, EC–SIP–M 2005, 5th EURASIP Conference on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services, June 29 – July 2, 2005, Smolenice, Slovak Republic. Vrabel, A, Rozinaj, G.: Speech Period Detection Using Neural Network Classification, Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2005, Chalkida, Greece, 22-24 September 2005, pp.:147-150, ISBN 0-907776-22-1 Jurko, S.; Rozinaj, G.: The electrical activity of the heart and analysis low-level signals of the ECG, Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2005, Chalkida, Greece, 22-24 September 2005, pp.:437-440, ISBN 0-907776-22-1 Talafova, R.; Rozinaj, G.: Detection of Basic Points and Features on 3D Model of Human Head for Speech Synthesis, 6th International Conference RTT 2005, 12-14.9.2005, Hradec nad Moravici, FEI VSB-TUO, pp.:460-463, ISBN 80-248-0897-8 Michalko, O.; Rozinaj, G.: Voiced-Unvoiced-Silence Classification of Human Speech, 6th International Conference RTT 2005, 12-14.9.2005, Hradec nad Moravici, FEI VSB-TUO, pp.:456-459, ISBN 80-248-0897-8 Turi Nagy, M.; Rozinaj, G.: Modification of acoustic units in speech synthesis with utilization of SN model, 6th International Conference RTT 2005, 12-14.9.2005, Hradec nad Moravici, FEI VSB-TUO, pp.:557-560, ISBN 80-248-0897-8 Cepko, J.; Rozinaj, G.: A Time-Domain Algorithm for Concatenation of Voiced Speech Units, 6th International Conference RTT 2005, 12-14.9.2005, Hradec nad Moravici, FEI VSB-TUO, pp.:73-76, ISBN 80-248-0897-8 Turi Nagy, M.; Cepko, J.; Rozinaj, G.: Concatenation of Speech Units in TTS Synthesis with Utilization of SN Model, Proceedings of the 5th EURASIP Conference focused on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services, EC-SIP-M 2005, Smolenice, Slovak Republic, 29 June - 02 July 2005, pp.: 376-381, ISBN 80-227-2257-X Cepko, J.; Turi Nagy, M.; Rozinaj, G.: Low Level Synthesis of Slovak Speech in S2 Synthesiszer, Proceedings of the 5th EURASIP Conference focused on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services, EC-SIP-M 2005, Smolenice, Slovak Republic, 29 June - 02 July 2005, pp. 413-418, ISBN 80-227-2257-X Kacur, J.: Slovak speech database for the design of VAD systems, 6th International Conference RTT 2005, 12-14.9.2005, Hradec nad Moravici, FEI VSB-TUO, pp.:210-222, ISBN 80-248-0897-8 Počta, P., Vaculík, M. Method of choice of test signals for automatic intrusive measurement. In Proceedings of Conference MESAQIN 2005, Praha, 9-10 june 2005, pp. 33-41. POČTA, P., VACULIK, M. Vergleich der Testsequenz für intrusive Messung VTQoS mit den Speechsequenzen in der Mobilumgebung, 4th Science Day at the University of Applied Sciences Leipzig "Next Generation Networks - Future of Networks", Leipzig, Germany, 28-29 sept. 2005. Juraj Kačur: The Concept of Task Specific Speech Database for VAD Systems, 48th International Symposium ELMAR-2006 focused on Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications, Zadar, Croatia, 07-09 June 2006. Martin Turi Nagy, Gregor Rozinaj, Jozef Čepko: Design of an HNM System for Prosodic Modification of Slovak Speech, 48th International Symposium ELMAR-2006 focused on Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications, Zadar, Croatia, 07-09 June 2006. Andrej Páleník, Jozef Čepko, Gregor Rozinaj: Design of Slovak Speech Database for Limited Domain TTS within an IVR System, 48th International Symposium ELMAR-2006 focused on Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications, Zadar, Croatia, 07-09 June 2006.
Vedecké práce publikované v domácich recenzovaných zborníkoch Juhár,J.: VOICEXML, SALT A CCXML. 9th International Sciencific Conference Cofax-Telekomunikácie 2003, Zborník prednášok, Bratislava-Petržalka, Slovak Republic, April 23-24, 2003, ISBN 80-967019-4-0, pp.297-298. Lihan,S.: Packet errors correction at voice Transmission over the Packet Networks. III. Doktorandská konferencia a Študentská vedecká odborná činnosť Technickej univerzity v Košiciach, Fakulty elektrotechniky a informatiky. Zborník z konferencie a súťaže, Košice, Slovak Republic, April 2003, ISBN 80-968666-3-X, pp.61-62. Lihan,S.-Juhár,J.: Hlasom ovládané telekomunikačné služby. 9th International Sciencific Conference COFAX-TELEKOMUNIKÁCIE 2003, Zborník prednášok, Bratislava-Petržalka, Slovak Republic, April 23-24, 2003, ISBN 80-967019-4-0, pp.61-64. Lihan,S.-Čižmár,A.: Metódy detekcie a korekcie chyby pri prenose hlasu paketovo orientovanými sieťami. 9th International Sciencific Conference COFAX-TELEKOMUNIKÁCIE 2003, Zborník prednášok, Bratislava-Petržalka, Slovak Republic, April 23-24, 2003, ISBN 80-967019-4-0, pp.299-300. Doboš,Ľ.-Gladišová,I.-Juhár,J.-Čižmár,A.: Methodology for Dialog Design of Slovak Telephone Based Railway. ICETA 2004, 3rd International Conference on Emerging Telecom. Technologies and Applications, Košice, Slovakia, 16-18.sept.2004, ISBN 80-89066-85-2, pp.111-118. Gladišová,I.-Doboš,Ľ.-Juhár,J.-Ondáš,S.: Dialog Design Telephone Based Meteorogical Information System. DSP-MCOM 2005, 6th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing and Multimedia Communications, Košice, Slovakia, 2005, pp.151-154. Lihan,S.-Juhár,J.-Doboš,Ľ.: Bilingual Speech Recognition System for Slovak and Czech. Proceedings of the DSP-MCOM 2005, The 6th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing and Multimedia Communications, 2005, pp.72-75. Mirilovič,M.: Sphinx 4 – Tool for Speech Recognition. 5th PhD Student Conference and Scientific and Technical Competition of Students of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics TU Košice, 2005, pp.87-88. Mirilovič,M.-Lihan,S.-Juhár,J.-Čižmár,A.: Slovak speech recognition based on Sphinx-4 and SpeechDat SK. Proceedings of the DSP-MCOM 2005, The 6th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing and Multimedia Communications, 2005, Košice, Slovak Republic, pp.76-79. Štofa,A.-Doboš,Ľ.: Speech Recognition by DTW. Proceedings of the DSP-MCOM 2005, The 6th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing and Multimedia Communications, Košice, Slovak Republic, pp.90-93. M. RUSKO, S. DARŽAGÍN and M. TRNKA, “Mail-to-Voice Service in Slovakia“ In: Proceedings of the 8th international acoustic conference Noise and Vibration in Practice, Kočovce, Vydavateľstvo STU Bratislava, 2003, ISBN 80-227-1901-3, p. 11-14. M. RUSKO, S. DARŽAGÍN, M. TRNKA and M. CERŇAK, ”Data-Driven versus Knowledge Based Approaches to Orthoepic Transcription in Slovak,“ in Conference proceedings of the international conference ICETA 2003, Vydavateľstvo ELFA, Košice, 2003, ISBN 80-89066-67-4, pp. 95-97. M. RUSKO, S. DARŽAGÍN, M. TRNKA and M. CERŇAK, ”Unit - selection speech synthesis in Slovak.“ in Noise and vibration in practice : Proceedings of the 9th International Acoustic Conference, Slovenská technická univerzita Strojnícka fakulta, 2004. ISBN 80-227-1901-3. s. 85-90. M. CERŇAK, “Slovko: A phoneme-based speech re-sequencing system in MATLAB,“ in ICETA 2004 : 3rd International Conference on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies and Applications and the Workshop Organisation and Management of Scientific, Technology and Industrial Parks., Košice, elfa s.r.o., 2004, ISBN 80-89066-85-2. pp. 95-98. M. RUSKO, S. DARŽAGÍN and M. TRNKA, “MobilDat-Sk, a mobile-telephone speech database, for speech recognizer training and testing,“ in ICETA 2004 : 3rd International Conference on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies and Applications and the Workshop Organisation and Management of Scientific, Technology and Industrial Parks, Košice, elfa s.r.o. 2004, ISBN 80-89066-85-2. s. 183-186. S. DARŽAGÍN, M. RUSKO, M. TRNKA, ”Testy pre hodnotenie kvality reči v slovenčine.“ in Noise and vibration in practice : Proceedings of the 10th International Acoustic Conference, Slovenská technická univerzita Strojnícka fakulta, 2005. ISBN 80-227-2245-6. s. 107-112. A. PÁLENÍK, G. ROZINAJ, „Synthesis of the Slovak Speech in Festival“ In: International Conference "Research in Telecommunication Technology RTT 2003", Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 17.-19.9.2003. pp. 207-209. J. KAČUR, R. SCHRETER, J. PROCHÁSKA, „Systém HTK-GUI na rozpoznávanie reči“, In: ELOSYS 2004, Trenčín, Slovak Republic, 2004. R. Jarina, D. Tichá, M. Kuba: User-Centered Study of a Spoken Dialog System Design, In Proc. of 3rd Int. Conf on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies and Applications ICETA’04, Košice, Sept. 16-18, 2004, pp.131-134, ISBN-80-89066-85-2 J. Olajec, R. Jarina: An Experiment in Isolated Digit Recognition by Neural Network, Zborník 6. europ. konf. TRANSCOM 2005, 27.-29. jún 2005 Žilina M. Kuba, M. Paralič, R. Jarina: Two Dimensional Cepstrum and Mel Filter Cepstral Coefficients Analysis in Speech Recognition, Zborník 6. europ. konf. TRANSCOM 2005, 27.-29. jún 2005 Žilina Mirilovič, Michal: Slovak text data collection for use in stochastic language modeling. In: 6th PhD Student Conference and Scientific and Technical Competition of Students of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Technical University of Košice , Košice, 17.5.2006, s. 91-92. ISBN 80-8086-035-1. M. Rusko, M. Trnka, “Word Tests for Speech Understandibility Evaluation in Slovak”, Proceedings of the Third International seminar Computer Treatment of Slavic and East European Languages, VEDA, Bratislava, 2005, pp.186-192, ISBN 80-224-0895-6. M. RUSKO, S. DARŽAGÍN and M. TRNKA, “Syntéza reči z rozšíriteľného rečového korpusu s fonetickým predvýberom elementov “ In: Proceedings of the 11th international acoustic conference Noise and Vibration in Practice, Kočovce, Vydavateľstvo STU Bratislava, 2006.
Odborné práce publikované v nerecenzovaných zahraničných odborných časopisoch a zborníkoch Juhar,J.-Čižmár,A.: IRKR project – Smart Speech Interactive System. 7th MCM COST 278, Mons, Belgium. January 18-21, 2004,
Odborné práce publikované v nerecenzovaných domácich odborných časopisoch a zborníkoch (zahraničné/domáce) Lihan,S.-Juhár,J.-Čižmár,A.: Implementácia hlasom ovládanej služby „telefónny zoznam. In. Komunikácia v optických systémoch. CIOS 2004, Bratislava, Slovakia, 3.2.2004, Internetova strá, pp.1-4. |